Now, I address myself to you, the visitor to my web site. Do you have any questions? Would you like to know more about what we are trying to do down here in Honduras? If you would like to personally contact me, Padre Alberto, here are three options for you:

  1. E-mail me at
  2. Mailing Address: Padre Alberto Gauci, OFM Obispado de Juticalpa, Apto. 2, Juticalpa, Olancho, Honduras, C.A.
  3. Telephone: 011.504.2785.27.87

Many people ask, "How can I help?" The answer is simple, there are three ways:


First, appreciate what you have and thank God for what you have. Always remember, that a couple of hours by plane from where you live, there is usually people who literally, have nothing. Down here, people die especially little babies because they lack a malaria pill. Thousands of intelligent children would like to study and receive an education, but they simply do not have the means and the opportunity to do so. Many people do not even know what a refrigerator is because they have no electricity and quite a few go to sleep hungry with empty stomachs.


Second, we need your prayers! We live and work under some very hard and harsh circumstances. Swollen rivers, no bridges, extremely rough roads, hurricanes etc. Down here we have lost quite a few priests, sacrificed on the altar of mother nature. Please remember us in your prayers.


Third, if you are interested in sharing what you have with the needy people of Honduras, possibly a donation? Contact me, Padre Alberto and I will let you know how best to contribute to the mission.


You know, it is a fantastic feeling to know that someone cares!


With love and gratitude,


Padre Alberto Gauci, OFM